Our Governors play a vital role in our school life. Not only do they, regularly, meet as part of their role in the Leadership and Management of the school, but they are also involved in many different aspects in the lives of the children whilst they are at school.
The Governing Body has twelve members, proposed or elected by various interests. There are two Parent Governors voted for by parents/carers. The Chair(s) and Vice-Chair are elected, annually, at the first meeting of the year (in September). The minutes of Governing Body meetings, with the exception of matters deemed confidential, are available for inspection in the school office. Please contact the clerk if you wish to see them. At the AGM, Declaration of Business Interests forms are completed. At each governor meeting, declarations of interest are declared.
Mrs Patrice Sanderson and Mrs Karen Windross are currently the co-chairs of the Governing Body. You are able to contact either of our clerks via email, at:
psanderson@stmatthews.cumbria.sch.uk or
Bekah Bell is our clerk to the Governors. Bekah is the clerk to a number of small schools in our cluster.
She can be contacted by email on: ClerkASSP@blennerhasset.cumbria.sch.uk
Co-Chair of Governors
LA Governor
Term of Office: September 2022 - September 2026
Co-Chair of Governors
Parent Governor
Term of Office: November 2022 - November 2026
Vice Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor
Term of Office: November 2021 - November 2025
Debbie is also a Governor at Nelson Thomlinson School.
Miss Helen Harrison
Term of Office: while in office
Helen is also on the Westnewton Pre-School Committee.
Foundation Governor
Term of Office: November 2022 - November 2026
Mrs Karen Ford
Foundation Governor
Term of Office: November 2021 - November 2025
Mrs Louisa Harrison
Staff Governor
Term of Office: February 2021 - February 2025
Foundation Governor
Term of Office: October 2023 to October 2027
Mrs Emma Irving
Parent Governor
Term of Office: September 2021 - September 2025
Principal Officiating Minister
Term of Office: while in office
Foundation Governor
Term of Office: October 2023 to October 2027
Governing Body Diversity Data
As a Governing Body, we have a duty to recognise that diverse thoughts, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation.
We believe it is important that our Governing Body reflects the diversity of the school communities which we serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and children.
Diversity characteristics of our Governing body:
In December 2023, we collated our Governing Body data from those who provided responses. A summary of the diversity of our GB as follows:
One governor declared that they were gay or lesbian. The rest are straight/heterosexual.
All governors come from a White British background.
The majority declared their religion as Christian; one declared as ‘no religion’.
Half of our governors live within approximately 5 miles of school, half live further away.
The majority of governors are parents of children in school, or parents of children who have completed their education.
Our GB includes governors from both state-funded and independent schools.
No governors declared that they had been looked after during their own period of education.
The majority of governors continued their own education into higher education; some also indicated further education and that they did not continue their education.
The majority of governors do not have experience of being eligible for free school meals although one indicated that they did not know.
Note: The above summary is based only on the number of governors (6) who chose to respond. (It is voluntary for them to do so.)