Children can enter the school from 8.30 am where a member of staff will greet them at the school gate. They can then hang up their bags, wash their hands and either go to their classroom or see their friends on the playground. This depends on the weather.
School starts at 8.45 am when registration takes place. The children then start their morning learning.
In the morning, classes immediately start with a focus on basic skills (reading, handwriting, spelling) and also have the opportunity to respond to work marked from the previous day. The children can work with their learning partners to make corrections and address any misconceptions. They may also access Times Table Rockstar or Spelling Shed during this time.
This is followed by Maths and English, including a daily phonics session for Key Stage 1 children. From Year 2 to Year 6, English lessons will have Reading and Writing sessions daily.
Morning break for all children is at 10.20am.
We have collective worship, every morning. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, this is usually at 11.45am. On Thursday, this takes place at 8.50am. On Monday, we have a Values assembly based on our School Values led by our Headteacher, Miss Harrison. On Tuesday, we have a singing assembly led by Mrs Johnston. On Wednesday, led by Mrs Harrison, we have a topical assembly based on something that is happening locally, nationally or internationally. On Thursday, the assembly is led by our local Vicar or is a pupil led assembly on one of our school values. Occasionally, we may use an online collective worship. On Friday, we have a celebratory assembly led by Mrs Bewley, where we share the good things we have done that week and present certificates. Children also have the opportunity to share work.
Dinner time starts at 12.00 pm.
Afternoon lessons start at 1.00 pm. The lessons which follow cover the rest of the curriculum: PE, Science, Geography, History, Art and DT, French (KS2), Music, Computing, RE and PSHE. On Friday afternoons, the children either enjoy Art and PE or take part in Forest School.
We have a short afternoon break 2.00 pm for all children.
Home time is at 3.15 pm. Children gather their things together and can be collected from the gate.
Daily timings of 8.45am - 3.15pm gives the children a 32.5 hour school week, in line with DfE guidance.