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St Matthew'sC of E School

Together we can Shine

Our Ethos, Vision and Values

Our Vision


Our vision at St Matthew’s Church of England School is that all of our children feel accepted and loved, and understand their worth and ability, to give them the confidence to go out and explore their world and lead a fulfilled life. Together with our community, we have clear aspirations for our children which inspire and enable them to make positive contributions as global citizens.


The broad education we provide will equip every child with the knowledge, skills and wisdom to achieve their full academic and social potential.


“Life in all its fullness” John 10:10

Our School Values


The Dream Team reviewed our values during the Spring term 2023. 


Our Values are:


  • Positivity
  • Perseverance
  • Generosity
  • Honesty
  • Forgiveness
  • Service
  • Courage
  • Friendship
  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Kindness
  • Fairness
  • Thankfulness


Open the document below for more information.

Our Ethos


Our ethos is to ensure that everyone reaches their full potential in everything they do in all aspects of their education  and life. We have designed a unique curriculum which we believe brings the best out of children.  This, coupled with a focus on robust pastoral care, makes us a school that nurtures everyone to be the best they can be in terms of achievement and character, enabling children to flourish in the wider world. 

Our Mission Statement


Our unique school is fun, secure and flooded with love and joy.  We aim high to meet stimulating, challenging targets, taking us forward on our journey through life.
