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St Matthew'sC of E School

Together we can Shine

Playtime Leaders

Playtime Leaders

We advertised Playtime Leader jobs for all of the children in school. Those who were interested wrote letters of application to the Dream Team. The successful candidates then had to be interviewed! The Dream Team decided on the most suitable candidates, and hold appraisals every term.


The Jobs

First Aiders

Our First Aiders take care of any minor bumps and grazes on the playground. They are caring, and provide cold packs and apply plasters if/when necessary.


Shed Managers

The Shed Managers are responsible for opening the shed up and getting the playtime equipment out. They keep the shed tidy and lock it up at the end of break.


Milk Monitors

The Milk Monitors are in charge of pouring and distributing milk during break time. They keep a register of who has milk.


Class 1 Assistants

The Class 1 Assistants get the Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 children lined up at the end of break times. They take them into school, help them with their jackets, and get them sat on the carpet ready for their next lesson.


Playground Managers

The Playground Managers are responsible for the overall smooth running of playtimes. They deal with any issues/problems any of the children may have, and help to solve problems, peacefully. The Playground Managers are also in the Dream Team, and keep an eye out to make sure all the Playtime Leaders are doing their jobs, properly.
